Empty Bowls
Give back to your community and volunteer your time with Ceramica!
We are proud to continue Ceramica’s long-standing tradition of participating in Empty Bowls.
Give Back with Ceramica!
Looking for fun ways to give back to your community? Come and be a part of our long-standing tradition of purchasing and painting a bowl to donate to the Idaho Food Bank. It’s easy to do! Here’s how it works:
1. Come down to Ceramica with your friends
2. Pick out a blank bowl
3. Get creative and paint the bowl! When you’re done, leave the bowl with us. We’ll fire it and then donate to the Idaho Food Bank.
4. For groups of 8 or more, we will photograph your bowls January-September. In October and November our focus shifts to firing as many bowls as possible.
Each painted bowl is donated to the Idaho Food Bank where it will later be sold to raise funds for our neighbors in need.
Special event: we will organize “thrown bowl” days in the fall so you can come down to make your own bowls and glaze them to donate to the empty bowls event. More info coming by late summer.
FAQs About Empty Bowls in Boise, ID
How does purchasing a bowl and painting it at Ceramica help someone in need?
The empty bowls event is a special sale of bowls full of soup that takes place in November every year. The Idaho Food Bank is central to feeding families in need and continues to play the main role in this endeavor. Ceramica has prided itself on contributing more than any other entity and plans on continuing this tradition in the coming years. For more information, check out the Idaho Food Bank website.
Who can paint a bowl for empty bowls?
You can come down all on your own, organize a group of friends, or get a group from work to come together. We have had employees from banks, students from schools, teams, members of churches... Anyone can paint a bowl for empty bowls.
When can we start painting bowls for Empty Bowls fundraiser?
You can paint bowls year-round. The more bowls we paint, the more meals food bank will provide for our community.
What happens to my bowl? Do I get to keep it?
No, all bowls designated as empty bowls donation are donated to the food bank.